Thursday, November 10, 2011

Exam #2 & Discussion Questions

As you know, you have an exam next week (week 10 on the calendar).
Exam dates are: November 16, 17, 18, depending on which group you are in. If you know that you are going to miss class you MUST email me BEFORE the exam so that you can come to one of my other groups.

The exam will consist of 1 essay question for each article for a total of 4 essay questions. The articles are: a) Is health care-reform constitutional, b) House adopts resolution scolding Obama on Libya, c) Obama picks Kagan..., d) Who is the Tea Party?

Below are the discussion questions from each week. You should go back over these questions, making sure you can answer them. You should also re-read the articles carefully making sure that you understand them.

If you have any questions email me.


Is Health Care Reform Constitutional?

      1. Where will the battle over federal control of health care shift if the health-care bill becomes law?
2. What does the health-care bill require everyone to do? What clause of the constitution discusses this?
3. Has Congress ever used the commerce clause to affect economic inactivity? Did it in WWII?
      4. What was done to get some senators to vote for the bill?
      5. What are some states thinking of doing? Will it work?
6. How can a state make the bill unconstitutional? When was the last time this happened?

House Scolds Obama
1.     Why did the House of Representatives adopt a resolution rebuking Obama?
2.     What did Obama do in Libya? Why?
3.     Why does the President need approval from Congress?
4.     What does the resolution do?
5.     Who is Boehner and what does he want from the Obama administration?
6.     What does Obama’s administration say in response?
7.     What does the War Powers Act say?
8.     Why is it important to have a War Powers Act and to require approval from Congress before going to war?
      9.   How do Republicans & Democrats feel about Obama’s treatment of Congress?

Obama Chooses Kagan
1.     How are Supreme Court Justices (judges) chosen?
2.     How many has Obama chosen?
3.     What worries Obama about the current Supreme Court?
4.     What is Obama’s “agenda”?
5.     Why did he choose Kagan?
6.     What is her background (name 3 things)
7.     What makes her different from other Supreme Court Judges?
8.     Why is it a big deal when a president gets to appoint a Supreme Court Judge?

Who is the Tea Party?
1.     Who has been asking, “Who is the Tea Party”?
2.     What does this imply?
3.     What is Jonathan Rauch’s definition of a Tea Party member? (List 3 things)
4.     What does RINO mean? How doe Tea Partiers feel about them?
5.     What is a RUAN?
6.     How do Tea Partiers think of themselves? How does this affect how they vote?
7.     How do Tea Partiers generally feel about compromise?
8.     What does the Tea Party want to do?

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