Monday, December 5, 2011

Discussion Questions for Week 11 & 12

Week 11 Discussion Questions:

1.     What happens once a decade? Why?
2.     What is a legislative district?
3.     Why do districts need to be made equal?
4.     What does “one-person, one-vote” mean?
5.     Why is redistricting difficult & contentious?
6.     What did the Democrats do in Georgia? Why?
7.     What happened in New York?
8.     What was the difference between Georgia & New York?
9.     What is another way districts are made uneven sometimes?

Week 12 Discussion Questions

1.     What bill did the House of Representatives pass?
2.     Which party was “for” the bill?
3.     What is the Obama administration’s reaction?
4.     Where does the bill say funds should come from?
5.     What is the main benefit of the bill?
6.     Why do democrats say it is dangerous?
7.     What does “special interests” mean?
8.     Did Obama or McCain use public financing in 2008?

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