Sunday, October 2, 2011

Discussion Questions for Weeks 2, 3, & 4

US Civilization—US Political Institutions and Society
Week 2
Discussion Questions
Majority of Americans Distrust the Government

1.     When was the first time that the “trust” question was asked to Americans?
2.     Why do you think it has declined since then? Why do you think it was high in the 50s?
3.     Why does the article say there is distrust now?
4.     Are Americans angry with the government or are they frustrated?
5.     In what ways can the government threaten personal freedom?
6.     Why would the healthcare bill make people more distrustful of the government?
7.     Do you distrust the French government? Why or why not?
US Civilization—US Political Institutions and Society

Week 3
Discussion Questions
Gun Control
2nd Amendment:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

1.     Who was president when a federal law was passed requiring background checks for gun purchases? (Bill Clinton)
2.     Is George Bush, or Al Gore “anti-gun”? (Al Gore)
3.     Which amendment discusses guns? (2nd)
4.     In 2008, what did the Supreme Court decide? (that it is a constitutional right to have a loaded hand gun at home for self defense)
5.     Did this affect federal or state laws? (federal)
6.     What did the 2010 ruling decide about this? (that is applies both to state and federal)
7.     What did the 1939 Supreme Court decision state? (that is about being in a militia (collective rights))
8.     What is the current interpretation of the 2nd Amendment? (individual rights)
9.     Can Americans carry legally owned guns from one state into another? (no)

US Civ
Discussion Questions
Week 4
The Incumbency Effect
1.     What is the conventional take on national elections? What is this called?
2.     How many Democrats and Republicans were in the House of Representatives when this article was written?
3.     Where do Democrats hold a lot of seats? Is it a problem for their re-election?
4.     How man incumbents defeated their challengers in 1994?
5.     Where does the term “incumbency effect” come from?
6.     Where is it seen most clearly?
7.     Name 3 reasons why it’s easier for incumbents to get elected.
8.     Name 3 reasons why the democratic incumbents might not win.
9.     Do people feel in general that their representatives are “in touch” with their state?
10.  Have Republicans persuaded voters that they can make a change by voting in the mid-term elections?

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