Wednesday, October 26, 2011

TEST 1 Answers

Please read over my example answers to the exam and compare them to your own, especially the short answer questions. If you still have any questions you can see me in my office hours (FRI 9:30am-10:30am) or email me to set up an appointment.

Test #1 Answer Key:

  1. False
  2. True
  3. False
  4. False
  5. False
  6. False
  7. True
  8. False
  9. True

Multiple Choice:
  1. c
  2. b
  3. a
  4. b
  5. c
  6. a
  7. d
Short Answer:

  1. Trust in the government has gone down for numerous reasons including economic difficulties, dissatisfaction with the government and disapproval of Obama's healthcare bill. One can also point to the fact that in the 50s there was a lot of economic prosperity and trust in the government due to having won WWII. After the 50s wars like the Vietnam War, which was very unpopular, decreased trust in the government.

  2. The two ways to interpret the 2nd amendment are as a “collective” right and as an “individual” right. The collective right interpretation means that owning a gun is only a right for those involved in a militia. The individual right interpretation means that owning a gun is a right for all people.

  3. The three reasons why it was predicted that Democrats might lose a lot of seats in 2010 were that a. the Democrats held a lot of seats in Republican leaning districts, b. in mid-term elections voters tend to vote for the party that is not in power, and c. there is general dissatisfaction with the Democrats who were in power.

  4. THIS QUESTION IS VERY OPEN ENDED WHICH MEANS I ACCEPTED A LOT OF DIFFERENT ANSWERS. THIS IS A LIST OF POSSIBLE ANSWERS: The political atmosphere in the US is very tense right now because the political parties are not cooperating, Obama's government is very partisan, the healthcare bill is unpopular, the economic crisis is making everyone nervous, there is distrust in the government, and there is a new trend of people who want a smaller government (the Tea Party).

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